An amusing 'Bond'ing experience
‘Hey, Spectre’s getting released this week, how about it?’
The only time when my darling hubby enthusiastically asks for a movie date is
when Bond comes visiting once in a couple of years, the last one being Skyfall J And so I never say no!!!!!! ‘So when do we go?’ and I said ‘Oh anytime
this weekend should do?’
This conversation happened on a Wednesday and I was looking
forward to my weekend ‘Bond’ing experience. The next day when I reached home
from office he grinned at me and said, ‘It’s done, I have booked for Sat
morning 9.30 a.m show’. The timing made me raise my eyebrows, but I was still
ok, after sending both kids out to school and college, we could get to the theatre,
finish the movie and come back by the time they get back…….
So dawns Saturday morning…..And after the morning rush of
sending one kid out (the other decided to stay back home), we were at the
theatre by 9 a.m. There were just a few people around no theatre staff to be
seen. The kiosk which issues tickets based on your online booking details did
not seem to work, kept giving an error and so finally the theatre staff appeared
and got into a tizzy as there were people waiting for a 9 a.m show as well and
they had to send people in ASAP. So one staff decided to check the mobiles for booking
confirmation and send the people in. After sending in people for the 9 a.m. show,
they allowed us also to go in. ‘Well you know I have even booked popcorn online
along with the tickets’ goes my hubby and I went in my mind ‘Oh, this guys
seems to be improving with every Bond movie !!!!! ’. Finally we step in for the show. The guy at
the door peeked at Suren’s mobile and said ok. We went in and looked around for
our seats and then realized someone was sitting there already…….Oh how’s that
now…..My husband walked up to them and asked them to check their seat numbers and
they did and said their number was correct …..’Hey how come, see even I got the
same number ‘ and he pulls out his mobile and shows them and they peep at it
and then they say. ‘Hey see , it says 9.30 p.m, you seem to have booked for the
night show’ And my husband peeks at his mobile and goes ‘Oh what the hell !!!!’
Ah, now this was looking really stupid …..
and I could see a smirk on the faces of the two young guys who looked at me
with a ‘Ayyo paavam’ kinda look and I in turn looked at my hubby enquiringly with
a ‘How could you’ look. This usually is the kind of situation when I blow my
top, but strangely I was actually feeling a bit amused and also because I saw
the theatre was almost half empty, I was sure something could be worked out.
By this time the guy at the door who had let us in, also
came in with his manager since he had had a doubt when he peeked at our mobile
and just wanted to make sure about the a.m /p.m part. So since it was confirmed
that it said p.m, we requested the manager to change around the p.m to a.m and
allow to us to watch and he said ok. He took a snapshot of the booking confirmation
from Suren’s mobile and said he would get us the tickets for this show instead and
we could be seated in the mean while. So we were watching the commercials, when after a while in walks the guy again. ‘Sir,
I am sorry but there is a mistake, please check the date on this booking, you
had actually booked for Thursday night 9.30 show and today is Sat, your tickets
are expired Sir !!!!!!!’ Now I am wondering ‘ Seriously?’ So out comes the
mobile and I am asked to take a look to confirm and when I peeped Yes the date
was indeed for Thursday !!!!!! ‘ Ahhhhhhhhhh,
one you get the timing wrong and two you get the date wrong !!!!!!!!!!! ‘Sir,
you will have to pay for these tickets, we cannot do anything about your
previous tickets. If you don’t turn up, they just get expired’ said the guy and
we obliged. After all, we HAD to watch Bond and if we went back otherwise, the
kids would laugh us down J.
And so it was that as the commercials were coming to an end, we settled down. But
I still wasn’t feeling happy…..Why says
my hubby ? ‘What about my popcorn, will he get that or not ?’J and so off goes Suren for a chat with the guy
and he says ‘Don’t worry Sir, I will get you the popcorn’. So finally, the
movie started and we forgot everything else, I must say it was a damn good experience…..Err the movie I meant……..Yes,
the first few scenes itself was really mind blowing..we loved the movie, it was certainly worth a watch …..
Overall though, all is
well that ends well, isn’t it? So, yes I was still in an amusing mood when I
stepped out and we both couldn’t help laughing and laughing at the blunder and
how it unfolded. And so it was that we paid twice the price for watching a bond
movie and also had a good hearty laugh. Humor helps you overcome most
situations doesn’t it? I am hoping that henceforth he will be a little bit more
tolerant about my blunders, over which I usually get long lectures J and I told him so and
also said ‘Please make sure you wear your specs next time you make online
booking ‘ and He said with a grave face ’No
more online ticket booking, we will only go the traditional way only’ …..:) Ah!!! better to be safe
than be sorry indeed !!!!!
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